Why Snacks?

We have called our software Snacks because we believe the best approach to language learning is little and often. Lots of children gravitate to the computer for entertainment.

10 minutes here and there on Snacks and children's vocabulary will grow and with it their confidence as language learners.



What is Snacks?

Snacks is a fun new way to get children learning a language. We know from experience and from research that children learn quickly when they are able to link pictures and sounds, and when they are having fun. So we have designed big, bright electronic flashcards with sound and fun games to play.

Your child will see a picture and will listen to the sound as many times as they want to until they feel confident they know a new word. In our children's guides we suggest lots of fun ways to learn and there are lots of buttons to press to make the whole process entertaining.

The flashcards will teach numbers 1-100, colours and 100 common words for foods, drinks, body parts, school items, clothes, pets, farm animals, transport and ice-cream flavours.

As soon as the children think they know the words in a unit, they can move on to the games. These are fun but have so much in-built repetition that they provide the consolidation that all children need when they are learning new words.

The software also includes a guide for parents on how to help their child get the most out of Snacks, plus a colourful poster to print on which to celebrate your child's progress. There is also a fantastic print function which means you can easily print out any of the electronic flashcards. Great if you want to decorate your fridge or play games with printed flashcards

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